Zero...motivation...not one ounce :(well, maybe an ounce):

Had a really great day yesterday.  So, I wonder, where did I leave my motivation?  It was surging through me yesterday.

I had a horrible night of sleep, plagued with not so nice dreams, of things that are beyond my capability to change???  Awake at 0430, laying there wondering what it was suppose to mean?  Out of bed around pot...couch...TV...

Must eat something...have an egg..but wait a minute why am I eating these chips (rice chips, but chips all the same)...hhhmmm...what I really, REALLY want is a pan of delicious-warm-fresh-baked-yeast rolls...aaahhhh...  I see, I am finally experiencing some withdrawal from my long, tortuous carb addiction.  No, Bueno :-(  Today marks the start of week 3, of our dietary changes.

Yes, I did put the chips down and away.  I thought it best to indulge in some Ezekiel, cinnamon, raisin bread slathered in coconut oil and almond butter.  This seems to have work for the moment, at least long enough for me to get off the couch and workout.

Again, I am seriously lacking motivation....WHY?

I think the only thing that got me to push play...Cardio Core and Balance.  Which must be my favorite workout, because I don't experience that feeling of impending dome on this one :)  Not sure why, because it pretty much kicked my butt today.  Week 7 complete, yay!  Only one week left...of insanity!

I remain at 149.9...fine, feels good not to be climbing up the scale!  Not to mention, the wii told me that my posture was "perfect" and I am using an exact quote, teehee ;-)

And, What-in-the-world is wrong with my wee ones?  I had high hopes that sleeping in until 0700 (which NEVER happens) would be the start of a great day with, NO!  They are bouncing off the wall, melting down, and terrorizing all in their path....Oh, joy!  I guess, I need to speed read "the Explosive Child" for tips and then re-read for better understanding...because I am just way too tired for this malarky...1030, and already....NAP-TIME!


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