
There is one thing I know for a fact...I am REALLY SMELLY right now ;-)  I have my 5 year old chasing me around telling me I smell sweaty and it stinks...heehee!   Actually what smells really bad is my feet, my poor shoes have been outside throughout the entire tropical storm...oooops!  Needless to say, I will be washing those today.

Went for a great run great, I really mean brutally hot, and nose was assaulted   by the smells of wetness and things washed ashore....eewww!  Much worse than my own feet.   my poor brain kept thinking of all the ways I could make a pizza crust low carb/sugar....Why, I do believe, that I am in the mood for PIZZA....of course that is a constant :-)

Down 2.2 pounds...yes, the will to continue...restored.


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