After working all weekend I am feeling bloated....I stayed on the right foods I just think that maybe I went a little crazy on them!  I know I struggled all day Sunday, feeling hungry and dying for Hot Cocoa :-(  I am sure it had something to do with the weather.  Tropical Storm Debby kept the sky grey (almost black) and the wind had the palms in content turmoil.  We had a little stream flowing through the nurse station, paint bubbling on the walls (full of water) and part of the ceiling tiles falling due to sooo much water coming down....

Definitely, sounds like hot cocoa weather to me :)  and this week I am going to make dome for me to have the next time.

I made it through 5 straight days of working out last week...woohoo!  Taking the weekend off was a nice break.  Today, I decided to take advantage of the high winds and splash of rain while I did my workout...Only feet were water logged by the end :-)

Today completes, week eight, day 2....I was too afraid to hop on the scale this morning...think I will tomorrow.  We are once again covered in grey clouds with on and off again rain.  REALLY makes ya want to curl up with some cheese and crackers and read a book all day.......I on the other hand know that this must not and will not happen.


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