WHY...is it so hard?

I am so over struggling with loosing a mere 10 lbs....Last week, I about threw in the towel.... on it all!  I have been working my behind off for 4-5 days about 50-70 minutes each day.  Running and using insanity, while wearing those darn hot pants!!!!!

Only to find that I had not only not lost any weight or inches...I had gained back an extra 1.5#....AAAGGGHHHHHH!  Talk about frustrating!

I even went so far as to have my lab drawn to see if possibly it was something there....everything is normal (of course)...I was really hoping to place the blame on a thyroid or something :)  Well, with that news and the weight gain....I simply took a 3 day weekend off...ate a bunch of crappy food and forgot about it....(only I still can't button my pants and I can't run around with my pants undone all the time)

Therefore...A new plan is being set in motion!  Back at 130lbs, I primarily ate nothing except healthy unprocessed, organic food....(maybe I just couldn't afford to eat as much ;?

The new plan is as follows.....back to organic and natural food....so I started looking through our cabinets and REALLY looking at my current diet....Wow...I have really gotten out of control!  I am not talking about organic frozen meals and the such...I am talking about, going to back to home cooked meals with ingredients that I can read...simple, delicious.  Only this time, I am going to take it a step further and starting on Monday I am no longer serving wheat, soy, or gluten products!

I know how I must sound....but seriously...there is something wrong with my body right now and I don't like it AT ALL!!!

I am also working my way to less coffee...you heard it!  I drink so much coffee....I should....really be skinny.... with how pumped up on caffeine I spend my day!  Just want to get my self down to one cup (my cups are about 16 ounces).

I am going to work toward less irritable, more energy, less moody, more joy....and maybe, just maybe....I will be able to wear my clothes again.

I currently weigh 155, sometimes 157, other days 152.....I really want to get to 135...But my goals  are in 10# increments.....( I thought that that would help keep me motivated)

I want my boobs to stay in my bra...I want to button my pants and still breath, possibly even feel my feet

  I want all of this...and I don't want to have to buy new clothing to make it happen......Beyond Diet, oh yes indeed!


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