bad habit

Here I am....just day #5...and already I am falling into my old bad habits!  it's about 1200 in the afternoon and I am just now eating for the first time :-(  and only because my body warned me with the shaky, nausea type thing.

I have got to force myself into these morning meals...because when the evening arrives, I end up ravenous.

Who knew that eating would be problematic for me?  

Today's workout was Max Recovery :{ and it has left me with trembling muscles.  I still felt a wee "wore out" and my muscles spent the workout quivering (and I do mean ALL my muscles).  Not sure if I have pushed myself too hard or if my body really is just adjusting to the new fuel I am providing.  

Shaun are killing me...and I am addicted to your workout:)

Today, my husband (whom always endures my diet changes gracefully) weighed in.....finally going below his plateau :-)  YAY!  I love success.  Even finding a beer that he could enjoy, while out with the guys from work.  Yes there are Gluten free beers and yes I have a great man!

Now that I have scarfed my omelet and english muffin...I am feeling better.  I wish I could forget to eat all day and would solve this whole food obsession I have....but what fun would that be :-)


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