ah..it's monday

I managed to push play this morning...I wasn't real excited, knowing full and well what I was in for :-0

Max interval....has you drowning in your own sweat each and every time.....

We made it through the weekend without eating the easy processed foods that we are used to eating when we are on the go and too lazy to cook.  We even enjoyed some hamburgers (I only used half my ezekial bun using my lettuce as the top).  We had some alexia fries on the side....regular for the girls and spicy sweet potato for me and Jason, yummy!

I am getting my food ready for my 12 hour shift tomorrow...preparation is the only way I can survive the "devils corner".  I am referring to a counter that is almost always filled with cookies, brownies, cupcakes, donuts,  or whatever pt's, Dr.'s and Staff have brought into share.  Therefore it is referred to as "Devils Corner" by me :)

I picked up some red rice at Fresh Market over the weekend.  Thought I'd add it to some lentils and make a meal of it!  Very cheap and filling.  I am unsure of how I'd like to dress it up at this time and I may just add salt and pepper.

I know that I said I wasn't going to continue to regularly weigh in, but temptation had me.....I needed to know if I really did lose a few pounds or if I had simply put all the loses' back on!  To my surprise (I was mentally preparing myself for a 2-3 # weight increase) I am down another 0.7#'s.  Whew...I did it! I am FINALLY under the dreaded 150.


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