Just another day

I gave up on the delusion that I would get up and workout prior to work. The alarm at 5am is enough cardio excitement at that hour ;)

My hat is off to my husband....he religiously gets up and completes his workout before the sun rises.

I did well at work staying on track, only eating the "whole" food that I took with me!

Since the morning isn't much of an option for me....I decided to try an evening run. What a great time of day for it...the weather was perfect, warm and breezy. The sun was setting and there wasn't a whole lot of foot traffic to contend with. The sky along the bay was a welcome distraction :)

It felt so good...I even managed to drag my daughter out with me!

I came home and enjoyed a couple quinoa cookies, took a quick shower and relaxed...aaahhh


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