Spicy Pickles

1 1/2 cup water; 3/4 cup organic apple cider vinegar; 1 tablespoon canning salt. Bring to a boil.
In a jar place fresh dill,
a couple whole garlic cloves,
and a couple jalepenos.
I also add onion, because I love the flavor.
Note: If you use a red onion it will change the color of the pickle juice.
Then I add my cucumber (sliced into 4ths), although next time I am going to leave them whole :)
Once I have the jar thoroughly stuffed....I pour the brine (water, vinegar, salt) over, leaving about 1/2 inch pace a top of jar.
Place lid on, put jar into water bath...bring to a boil for about 10 minutes and then shut heat off allowing to cool until I can safely reach in with my hand a remove jars.
Store in cool, dry area and ready to eat in about 7-10 days. The bigger the pickle size the longer they need to hang out in that cool dry place. I learned this after opening a jar prematurely.....they still tasted good...just more like a spicey half sour!
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