Halfway through week 3

Well...I can say that I am not seeing all the amazing results one would expect with the level of activity that I am maintaining.  I am not really complaining....it's just that, I have had to step it up a notch to start dropping weight.

As of yesterday, I am down to 146.2.  I can, comfortably button my jeans :-)  I "feel" good.  I notice my muscles forming and defining themselves....I just wish I could shed the fat layer that surrounds them causing the rolls and dimples (not the cute smile dimples, either)

Today....it's Cardio Power and Resistance and if the overcast weather maintains, I will go for a run.  You see it seems like I need to be working out for at least 1.5 hours to continue losing weight :(

After, eating my pint of cake, I have found myself craving sugar, although this could also be due to the baking I did yesterday in honor of our new mixer ;-)

I have a long list of items to accomplish today...make Dr Appt for children, grocery store, mil dance registration forms, prepare diner (chicken enchiladas)...I suppose I should get on with it!  Our first class of today is at 4, swimming lessons for the little ones.


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