Reaching for the Bottle!

My children are causing me an out of body experience this week....SERIOUSLY!  What is their problem?

I have been restraining myself from drinking straight from the bottle (it would save on a dirty glass)...but instead...I am trying out some "peaceful child" do terra oil!  If I take a shower in it...will I be a peaceful mommy..too?

Geesh...I woke up with a sore throat today, and I am now realizing that it is more than likely from yelling at kids..."Go to time out"," Stop hitting each other", "Keep your hands to yourself"," stop spitting", "don't throw your food", "quit stabbing the table with your fork", it goes on and on all week!

Now, I know that I have been dealing with these issues for some time now and that is why we started therapy (also, I know that I can't wake up with coffee in one hand and wine in the other :)  Things had started to get better after we changed medications....No more Kepprage!  Yes, it's an actual term ...look it up...tons of info on Kepprage.
So, why after several weeks of "normal" behavior are we back to this again?  At a loss for reason, I am turning to oil...My mom sent Do's a blend called Peaceful Child...the name alone drops my blood pressure...It worked for us just the other day, calming the little ones enough that I could finally get them to take a nap.  Today, I am already there, again!  Back to rubbing the oil on to their feet every 15 minutes.  It took 3 applications on my 5 year old and only once for the 3 year old.

The rubbing of the oil on their feet seems to do a couple things...1st-it turns the crying and screaming into giggles (because they are super ticklish), 2nd it makes me stop, sit down, and gently spend about 60 seconds focusing on them individually, 3rd it's none toxic.., and why not?  Besides...even Jesus took the time to attend his disciples feet...That is the example of love we should follow.  So wash those feet...and spend a moment inducing extreme just can't help but smile :-)

My only complaint is that I am not crazy about the smell of frank incense, I can live with it though...if only to keep my wine safely stored and my sanity safely intact :-)


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