
Had a great, kid free weekend with some close friends at my old stomping grounds, Jax Beach.

Just relaxing and catching up with all the new happenings in our lives :-)  A whole lot changes in 2 years.

This morning...I forced myself back on the wagon...Plyo Cardio tough!  My legs are still VERY sore from paddle boarding on Saturday, I am extremely dehydrated, and really I just want to sit on my butt some more and read.  Oh I am on the wagon...

Today is our meatless Monday...had pasta last night and I know that there is no way I can serve it up two nights in a row.   Thank you Pinterest...where I found a lentil sloppy joe, yay and thank you Fallon!  Just what I needed to get myself back in to wife and mom mode :-)  Nothing gets me ready to cook like an new and interesting recipe.  I'll let you know how it goes!

I finished the Omnivores Dilemma...enjoyed it...feel more empowered to feed my family what they need and not what the government thinks I should.  Oh I haven't completely checked out of the American Way, I have simply educated myself about what it really means to eat "real" food.  No...I won't be out there protesting fast food and corn farmers....but I most certainly won't be making it a habit of spending my health and money visiting them too often :-)


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