getting back to "life"

After my last two days of being on call (yes, I fault), I feel like I might be getting back into my "mojo" :-)  Not sure what in the heck happened...I guess it was just a wee out of body experience.  I did enjoy being home with the kiddos and I definitely got a few things done (mostly kitchen work).

Today I am scheduled, therapy, and swim team!  All spaced just so I have the time to get from one to the other with the appropriate child involved.  I love seeing them out there doing all these things but I do admit...sometimes....I feel a little under appreciated by the aforementioned yahoos :-)

Since my schedule is packed...I got up early (oh, yes...on my own) for the mere chance of getting a workout in.  I think it's official....

I am addicted to INSANITY....

I find that I really push myself through the beginning so much that by the last circuit....I am pretty much trying not to drown in my sweat, praying that I have the strength to pick myself off the floor and that I don't have my planted in an area that Charlie used as the 'Potty".  ( I know gross...but that is life with little ones)  I do frequently clean the outdoor carpeting, on the's just the thought :-)

My hot pants  seem to be holding up well...the biggest problem I have with them is that sometimes they don't dry out all the way before the next workout.  While I wear them for almost every workout, I don't think that they really do as they claim!  I most certainly haven't lost "inches".  Again, I do like to wear them, because they do make me sweat and keep my thighs from chaffing when I run.  I guess what I am trying to say is that...I won't be purchasing another pair, glad I didn't pay full price, and I will wear mine until they fall apart.


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