On the road....

As the darkening sky has crept upon us....Jason has taken over the wheel. I am getting my first chance to blog the days events.

The morning went as well as any morning in which the six of us try to gather ourselves and each other together and load into the van. Organization left our sides and joined us again somewhere along the Georgia border :)

We departed our driveway at 0801 filled up before leaving base ($30), and off we went. The veggie cupcakes didn't make it out of hillsborough county,I will share the recipe with anyone interested, yummy!

our first stop (on time again at 1300) Was at Fort Frederica National Monument. Beautiful place with tons of history. The only problem we encountered were bugs (hannah screaming each time she saw an ant) and 100 degree weather. We didn't melt! It only made the thought of a picnic lunch unappealing, so we prepared our food and ate on the go. The smoke from the wild fires was slightly irritating to the eyes and was fairly thick in some areas. We filled up again ($60) and got back on the highway.

We thought Charlie and Hannah would opt for a nap at this point, so Jason got in the back to sleep and Chase moved up front as "a" driver of the Winivan. Only, every time Jason would nod off, Charlie would yell "daddy,daddy,daddy" Jason "WHAT". Charlie "are you asleep" after 60 miles of this we put in another movie. Nap time wasn't happening :/

We arrived in North Carolina, as scheduled to cook out! Lovely, rest area....with a nice pond to walk around. Of course....I forgot the darn lighter...uuggghh! So our dinner plans changed to zaxby's....we haven't had Zaxby's since leaving JAX! no Zensation..and we all left disappointed. Got gas again ($54) and off we went...

Now we travel by moonlight....


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