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Diet...not for weight control, for health!

The scary monster that has been sleeping under the stairs has awoken.  For us its a seizure disorder! My daughter hasn't had a seizure since the 3rd grade, she has not taken any medication for seizures since the 5th grade. Sunday, Oct 25th, that all changed! While siting down waiting to leave for church, she said "I don't feel good" she had a weird feeling in her throat, followed by dizziness and suddenly face planted into the wall onto the floor and had a seizure completely unprovoked. She is 13 and we had been warned that often with changing hormones, reemergence of seizures is likely. All we could do is sit with our fingers crossed praying that we dodge the bullet. Without going into how horrible our American healthcare is, I am forced to find a way to help my daughter. I am a single mom, I work in healthcare and pay an enormous amount of my paycheck to our health insurance. There is no help with out paying out of pocket! I would love to be able to afford functiona

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