
This is an excerpt from a previous unpublished blog I wrote about one and a half years ago. Funny how words that I previously wrote must have been typed for this very a reminder of who I am underneath this pain.

On Sunday, our actual anniversary, we went on a short hike (approx. 7 miles) up the side of a mountain. just incase you don't know, hills KILL me...they are my kryptonite!
As we are climbing this mountain, through the rain...I start to realize that this hike is very much like marriage....IT IS HARD WORK! I am not kidding, it's the hardest thing I have ever done...and that says something! as a mom of four, military wife, RN, and US Marine....marriage is HARD!!!!!!

The ascent pushed me to my limit, my whole body revolting to the workload. It becomes a matter of the mind. The whole time I was hiking up the side of the mountain, I couldn't help but think how much it resembled my life and walk with God. It's painful, almost unbearable...and then there is a 10 foot stretch of flat land that allows me to catch my breath, which encourages me to make the next mile of incline. The...rain falls and cools me off for a minute, we see some beautiful waterfalls along the way, but overall it just burns every muscle in my body.

Some would want to quit! Me...that is not who I am! I have to see the result of my work and pain! The Holy Spirit takes over and I can not quit! I can't! I have to make it, because why start something if you are not going to finish, right!

At the top of this mountain, above the rain clouds you start to understand that the pain is worth it. That all that hard work, brought you to a place of pure bliss and wonder! SPECTACULAR!

Is this how our lives are to God? If we make it through the painful, grueling, uphill climb, cold weather, and rain we make it to a spot of such beauty that words can not describe, that pictures can not display?  Our father loves us, he wants us to get there...but we HAVE to do the leg work...and it IS gonna hurt. I pray that He will provide the small little stops that refresh the soul and keep us moving on the path set before us.


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