4 girls, 3 days, 2 excursions, and a Prius

Fresh off the road and onto the couch...

You would think that after some many hours sitting in a vehicle, that sitting on the couch would be an absolutely NO! 

wake up....Couch, coffee, news.

up to shower, grocery store, home, water, couch....

clean bunny cage, and sun room, couch!

Jeez...I am just wiped out! Time to pour a glass of wine and watch some Netflix before I have to begin cooking my mans birthday dinner.

Now to the real point of this blog 😏
ROAD TRIP, details

4 girls, 3 days, 2 excursions, and a Prius 

The adventure began on a Sunday morning at 0'dark thirty better known as 0430. Goal:to be on the road by 0500...actual, we left 0515 (close enough) breakfast consisted of applesauce, fruit roll-ups, or veggie muffins, all served a la cart, on the go.

As we drove to our first destination, we made it a point to stop at each state line for a photo op and walked around the buildings stretching out our legs.

We arrived at our first destination, Cumberland Falls, KY at approx. 1200. Just in time for lunch!
Picnic style lunch: Tuna Salad, PB&J's, Pirates Booty, Go Go Squeeze. All prepared prior to departure.

This stop has no cost.....YAY!

We enjoyed a nice adventure that included rock climbing, waterfalls, and a beach walk. 

Next stop Mama's Camp...Ohio

We arrived late evening, unloaded, watched the most recent Big Brother and headed off to bed...AaaaHhh!

The next day consisted of playing Frisbee, sequence, and just hanging out relaxing. By relaxing, what i really mean is: we searched for a book to listen to, did laundry, and planned out our travels for our impending departure, It is not easy planning a mid week road trip that takes you through Columbus, Cincinnati, Florence, Nashville, Chattanooga, and Atlanta...Timing has to be neat perfect to miss rush hour on this trip.

After many minutes of contemplation we decided to leave later than our normal. 

Departure: 0630 

We reached Mammoth Cave National Park at 1120, one detour, no traffic jams 😌

Booked a 1245, Historic Tour, went over to the picnic area and enjoyed the peace and quiet while having another picnic type lunch out of our cooler.

Time for the tour....

Amazing and cool (54 degrees)

The rest of our trip had us stuck in traffic...we made it to Nashville around 4, not a good time 😡 But we prepared for this, mentally, we had a great book and empty bladders.

Then the accident going out of Nashville....then the Chattanooga traffic...and an accident on 75 in Atlanta....Again, we new this was a risk, but I didn't mentally prepare myself for really STUPID drivers. You know those people who just CUT YOU OFF, we no directional or clearance to do so.  My poor daughter have to calm me down after I starting flipping people off.....I20 was clear the entire way home, thank you Jesus.  

Not proud of my behavior, but I am super proud of my daughter for keeping me in check and reminding me that we were enjoying our time and listening to a great book together 👭

we made it home at 0030....yes it was a very long trip home...I L💗VED (almost) EVERY MOMENT 😉


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