Caprock Canyon State Park

This is the last day of our date accumulation of all the date nights we have missed over the last several months :) Totally worth it, by the way!

Today, we went to Caprock Canyon State Park in Quitequay (kitty-quay). It is suppose to be a slightly less spectacular version of Palo Dura Canyon, I loved it...

 I am not sure that I would say it is less spectacular just different, much more wild life friendly and we were excited to see some wild Bison running around (this didn't happen). We did get a visit from a rattle snack and watched prairie dogs run wild.

Of course our plan was to follow an easy to moderate trail for about 3 miles so that we could get on the road home. What we ended up doing was a challenging trail, thinking it would be moderately strenuous like the CCC trail at Palo Dura.

I was WRONG!

It most definitely was challenging! about three quarters of the way up my husband looks back and says "are you ok?" apparently my face was REALLY red. It was hot and inclines are my kryptonite :)

So, when you visit Caprock Canyon, just note that when a trail is listed as difficult....they mean it!

There were a couple of times that we were wishing for some sign that we were on the trail :) They are marked but the markers are not very close. The best part about it, there were very few other people out and about. We did meet up with some other folks at the Fern cave, they had hiked in from another trail.


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