still sick

So...this low grade temp I have mentioned previously turns out to be 102.4....This time I made an appointment!  Not sure what good it will do, she won't let anyone near her, and surely if she won't even tell me what is bothering her how in the world is the Dr. supposed to figure out the problem?

I realized yesterday, as I reached for the bottle of Motrin, that it was almost empty :(  I just bought it last bueno, her poor little kidneys and liver...I have pumped her with so many toxic things trying to help her feel better!  Yes, she appears to feel a wee better today (of course we have an appointment) but she is slightly pale, and feels warmer than usual.  I guess we shall see.....


This all started on Sept 16th.  it lasted for approx.12 days before our first trip to Dr.  (Not fond of going unless we really have to) besides, I really thought it was a virus.

They grabbed a throat (culture and rapid strep), also a urine specimen (UA and culture), the strep and UA came back Negative, so just for good measure they had us get a CBC, which again was Normal except she is a little anemic...but just a little.

since that day she has been on and off OK!  I was just starting to think that she just liked the extra attention she would get while claiming to not feel well.  Occasionally, she'd feel warm, but I didn't bother check her temp because she was asymptomatic.

Yesterday, out of no where, She found herself unable to get off the couch....AAAGGGHHH!  Her axillary temp 102.5.  We have since nicknamed her "Girl on fire", because she tells us "my head is on fire :-)  Of course I had to call off work today so that I could once again take her to the Dr.

Today, she is 102.6 (at least they know I am not just pretending :)  and there are no other signs and symptoms of anything.....just repeated the throat and urine specimens and going from there.  They just think it's another virus....SHUT THE FRONT DOOR.....for a month....really!  No one else in our house is or has been sick at anytime through all of this.  I personally feel the virus is a scapegoat although I really don't want anything to be wrong, I just feel like something isn't right and I'd like to know what.

I just don't know what to do.....crack open the new bottle of ibuprofen!

We ended up being admitted to the Hospital on the Infectious Disease Unit for 3 nights, every test out there was completed.  Our 3 year old traumatized .... the staff continued to ignore my real concerns.  I already knew she wasn't contagious, seriously the other 5 of us living in small quarters over the last month failed to have any sort of ailments, we all know that when our kids get sick we ALL get sick! Just saying!  She is better now, just occasional complaints and low grade fever, and only one episode of vomiting since....Maybe it was nothing?  who knows, I am just glad that we are getting back to real life:-)


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