The stress of money...

I am going to stick with our family decision for me to work only one shift per week.  God will provide and show me how to create a budget and STICK to it!  (I am fine with the creating of budget....not so hot at sticking to it:)  I started with making our own laundry soap, very easy and I love it!  Then, I found a recipe for fabric softner, uber cheap and smells great!  I also have been making a homemade dishwasher detergent, that seems to work very well! 

In my plight to live homemade, I buy a whole lot of vinegar!  ( house doens't smell like vinegar unless I am at the stove cooking it up)  You should look up all the great uses for this stuff...

Today...I am taking another stab at yogurt, my other attempts didn't turn out so well and ending up costing me more than it was worth.  Not too mention, I couldn't get my kids to eat it!  I found a recipe for crock pot yogurt, sounds easy enough...crossing my fingers as I pour in the milk :-)


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