I will never understand...

We spent the day at Disney World, since the calendar showed no planned activities for the day :)

We started at Magic Kingdom, where we ran into some friends from JAX, the Lafond Family!  Which was great for Elyse, since she hasn't seen Jess in so long.  Chase was on a mission....to find the Chesire Cat Hat.  Which proved to be a wee challenging, we stopped everyone to ask where we could find it and like good employees they all pointed us onto the next gift shop stating "Well, we don't seem to have it here, Therefore, the Emporium simply must have it!"  Well, they didn't! 

We rode the usual line up, Haunted Mansion, Pirates of the Caribean, and the The Mad Hatter Tea Pots before we left in search of food (affordable food, means leaving the park :)  This decision wasn't the greatest....traffic is CRAZY over in the Disney area and honestly...Mom and Dad were not excited about waking up our 3 small children to lug them through another park!  Despite our desire to head home, our girls (the older ones) convinced us that we should continue to Hollywood Studios for the light show as planned. 

This proved to be a great idea, we were able to walk right onto Rockin Rollercoaster and Tower of Terror (our Fave).  The best thing is...WE FOUND THE HATS!  as we were making our way toward the hat to meet our friends, we passed a little shop that was selling the sought out treasure of the Chesire Cat Hat.  Two hats purchased, teenage girls content and broke again....we are off to say farewell!

We got home fairly late and never did make it to the lights (which really was the whole purpose of our trip) but we all had a great time and enjoyed the fellowship of another family :)

In answer to the question of "I will never understand?"  Why is it that, when you stay out extra late and the kids are extremely wore out, that they tend to get up even earlier than usual?  Hannah tried to get up this morning at 0530...WHAT?  I would have crazy upset.....if I wasn't already up, getting ready for work.  It could be a long day for Jason!


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