3 day detox

In light of my ever increasing waist line, I have decided to start a 3 day detox. Thinking I can handle 3 days. I am starting the Dr. Oz detox cleanse, I like smoothies and really need this to get me back on track.
If only I had known :)

Day 1
I can say this....the smoothies are good, but what I am DYING for is something containing carbs that is crunchy....maybe just a handfuls of crackers. But I did resist and made it without throwing in the towel.

Day 2
OOOHHHHH, I have a headache and I want food. I haven't even made it through lunch and I am starving. Its a good thing I brought support into this little escapade or else I would be done right now.
I don't mind my smoothies I just want food to go with them.
I think the problem is in that even though I am not eating the carb laden food that I love, I still have to cook it for my children. It took every ounce of restraint I had just to get through pancakes for breakfast and now I am faced with Macaroni and cheese....ugggh, let me sip some kale!

Day 3
I absolutely do not think I could have made it through another day of detox. We were scheduled to check in the children's Church as volunteers this morning, no way my body was going to do this (cheerfully) with nothing but smoothies.
We opted to not continue.....instead we are going to detox one day per week.

The headache and body aches that accompanied the hunger became overwhelmingly immobilizing for us both. Sad to say that I crave so many really bad foods and snacks :(

Even with the one day of smoothie detox, my body struggles to maintain functioning. After completing a day of pure nutrition I do feel revitalized and feel like the one day per week is something that is going to work for us.
I am amazed at the weakness of my mind and spirit when it comes to fasting and diet. 10 years ago I could juice for days with little complaints of suffering. Maybe it's the fact that I still have to cook for my little ones and their constant requests for food make it harder for my mind to go elsewhere.
The last one day of detox left me wondering how I made it through 2 days!
The last smoothie fast I competed, I utilized a bible study app to help my resolve. Reading the bible about how we use food as a replacement for God helped me complain just a little less. Each time I found myself REALLY wanting a bite of food, I simply read the next devotion with bible verse.
This helped immensely...


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