Wine Bottle Garden
I work with a fine young lady that used wine bottles as an edging for her garden...I love it! This I had to try for myself. I do drink wine, but not nearly enough to complete any kind of edging in this life time :)
So, I have enlisted my friends help, in saving all their wine bottles for me.
This does require storing wine bottles around....which is really a problem for me...I like to throw stuff out! So, one afternoon, I was particularly annoyed with looking at all those empty wine bottles on my back patio and decided to start digging.
I initially planned on edging my flower bed, but after some thought about all the kids in my neighborhood that don't respect property lines (we live in base housing) I choose to create a raised garden within the existing flower bed.
I traced out my design in the dirt and started digging....and placing bottles....Green, Clear, and Blue ones. I tried to do as much of a pattern as possible, but really didn't dwell on it! I also, chose to not undertake the tedious task of removing labels (we are not going to be in this house long enough for that kinda detail)...and I actually kinda like the labels...
This is what it currently looks like from our patio...Once I finish placing all my bottles (i have got to get to drinking) I plan to fill in with dirt and plant away! Something to hang over the edges and lots of pinks and reds....but I also am only going to be using Florida native flowers ( won't live long in my garden :) I will post the photos..once it is complete!
I have now completed the flower bed:) All that is left to do is to trim the hedges and add some mulch. Every flower and plant was saved from the clearance rack and the wine bottles were mostly given to me from friends...making this project uber cheap :) I LOVE IT!!!
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