The road leading north...

 All packed and ready to go....We stopped and posed for a moment before we boarded the WiniVan for our family road trip...
Our first stop along the road was the Georgia Welcome center for a potty break and leg stretching.  It was about 4 hours to this point.
 About an hour later we arrived at Fort Frederica, St. Simons Island...It was a fun stop at a British fort that allowed us to have lunch and move our legs.  The girls even got to dress up as British soldiers inside...

Our stop in South Carolina was a potty break at the welcome center...the sign is really small, but it's there :)

The North Carolina welcome center was great, pond with water feature, picnic areas, charcoal grills....the only thing we seemed to be missing was our lighter....oops!  Slight detour to Zaxby's for some chicken instead of our hamburgers.  There wasn't a lighter to be found anywhere, couldn't even find ourselves a smoker, who'd have thought?  Better planning on my part for the next trip.

 Maryland...well not much to say, we only wanted a pit stop before hitting the road again...a couple of kids are still sleeping in the van.

And here we are finally making it into Pennsylvania.....potty break and photo op at the welcome center...and off to CHOCOLATE WORLD....
We stayed a Chocolate World for a couple of hours, getting free chocolate before we got back on the road for the final leg of our journey.

Finally we make it to New York, almost there....Now to find our cabin!
We made it!What a great trip!


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